• 7809 Princeton Falls Lane
  • Knoxville, Tennessee, 37938-3053
  • ארצות הברית
  • תל:(423) 494-4371
  • פקס: ---.---.-----
  • כתובת אתר:

דף הראשי


MPSS is a Certified WBE, small business located in Knoxville, TN specializing in security services.

Some of our services include: Pre-employment, Pre-Clearance and Background Checks, Administrative Security; Other Investigative Work, CCTV/Camera Systems; Risk Assessment; Security Planning and Testing; Auditing; Procedure Writing and Reviews; Educational & Training Video Production; Logistic Assessment; Strategic Planning; Security Guards. Please feel free to contact us to find out how we can meet your needs.

We invite you to browse our website and contact us if you have any questions or would like to retain our services.


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