• 433-5 Sanggi-ri Bongdam-eup
  • Hwaseong-Si, Seoul, 445-895
  • Suid-Korea
  • Tel:82-31-2274604
  • Faks:82-31-2974608
  • Url:



We, Medimaxkorea, are one of world-class leading manufacturer

of Medical Gas Systems including medical air compressors,

medical vacuum pumps, manifolds, liquid oxygen storage tank

system, pipeline components, bed head trunking system(bed head

unit, console), pendants, ceiling column, flowmeter with humidifer,

suction, secondary, nurse call system and oxygen generator

with CE mark obtained and ISO 13485:2003 approved.

Also our all medical gas equipments are complied with NFPA-99

(USA Standard) and HTM2022 (BS Standard).

And we have on many of our business cooperative companies like

bumper handrail and bumper guard system, medicla oxygen therapy

goods, mri, copper pipe and fittings, medical bed, motor bed,

IV track system, hospital bidet, shoe shelf for hospital, etc.

Thank you very much for your continued interests heartily.

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