
  • taugul home 4 apt 51
  • Almaty, 050025
  • 카자흐스탄
  • 전화:7-701-7334000
  • 팩스:7
  • URL:

회사 소개


"Merke-et" meat plant company was established in 2007. Owners of the company are founders of family affair. Main activities of the company are to supply domestic market with Halal meat products. Company has many product lines. There are: canned meat line, sausages line, Islamic slaughtering plant, provide service of freezing and sell fresh meat (beef and lamb). Also we sell parts of entrails of bull, cow and sheep. All our products are environmentally friendly.

If you have any questions and interest in out products, please feel free to contact us.

비즈니스 데이터

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