Pagina principal
Micro Metalsmiths offers a comprehensive range of economic
Fully engineered microwave components which can be despatched
Within hours-enabling waveguide assemblies to be
Quickly and easily constructed to the highest standards.
Components are available in copper or aluminium alloy. Mb1
Copper alloy has been specially developed to provide excellent
Corrosion resistance to handle the extremes of marine and atmospheric
Conditions. Use of this material avoids the health
Hazards associated with processing the expensive and highly
Toxic Beryllium Copper alternative.
For light-weight assemblies, aluminium alloy components are
Available. The corrosion issues associated with salt bath brazing
Of aluminium have been overcome by Micro Metalsmiths through
The development of specialist alloys and joining techniques.
Since 1964 Micro Metalsmiths has been producing microwave
Components and assemblies, flanges, sub-systems, RF filters
And antennas with associated feeds and mounts, in addition to
Those items seen in this catalogue. Much of this equipment uses
A unique blend of manufacturing and engineering skills. Micro
Metalsmiths has its own foundry, which operates an advanced
Lost-wax process, and a fully automated machine shop. This
Provides total control of product manufacture and increases
Flexibility of design.
Micro Metalsmiths research lab has pioneered ultra light-weight
Components for space applications, missile guidance systems
And airborne interceptor radar, and continues to lead in process
And product advances.
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