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Micro-Tech Endoscopy SEMS, as a kind of common endoluminal stents, are useful for treating some kinds of gastrointestinal(GI) diseases, which can be applicated in the benign conditions and anastomotic complications such as stricture.

Micro Tech Nanjing Endoscopy SEMS

Biliary Stents

Biliary Stents

What's The Use Of Biliary Stent?

Implanting a biliary stent into a stenosis or obstruction is a better way to treat biliary obstruction. In complex biliary reconstruction, the application of biliary stents still cannot be ignored, especially when the biliary tract reconstruction is not satisfactory, the indwelling of sems biliary stent should be considered. Biliary stents can not only decompress and drainage, support, and facilitate the healing of the biliary tract, but also facilitate the observation of bile conditions and postoperative cholangiography.