О нама
Piano tuning, voicing, action regulation
Tune the piano. ( Setting the strings to the correct pitch. )
Voice the hammers. ( Adjusting how hard the hammers are for a consistant tone, from brilliant to mellow. )
Action regulation: file hammers, adjust all screws-springs-hammer line-let offs for crisp feel, lube all flanges.
Install QRS player systems, repair both QRS and Piano Disc systems.
This is a player piano system that pushes the keys with electric solenoids.
The system duplicates the performers dynamics.
It is controlled wireless from your iPad, phone or computer.
The back ground music comes out of a speaker. ( vocals and instruments )
Install Damp Chaser climate control systems.
This is a system that adds or takes away moisture to the sound board. The goal for the humidistat is to keep the moisture content level at 45 percent. With less flexing of the wood it helps keep the piano in tune and gives better life for the sound board, bridges and ribs.
On a vertical style piano the action also gets the benefit because it's in the same chamber.
Rebuild pianos
Install new strings, hammers, shanks and flanges, whippens, key felts, key tops, key bushings, dampers, repair sound board
Polyester repair
Fix scratches and gouges
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