• Rua Mal. Deodoro N765-D, Centro
  • Chapeco, Santa Catarina, 89801061
  • ბრაზილია
  • ტელ:55-49-33121203
  • ფაქსი:55-49-33121203
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


MILLIEX INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LTDA. is a legally registered trading company with the Brazilian Tax and Commercial Department with the number (CNPJ) 01.626.339/0001-60, which can be confirmed at the following web site:www.receita.fazenda.gov.br/PessoaJuridica/CNPJ/cnpjreva/Cnpjreva_Solicitacao.asp.

The company was established in 1997, with the headquarter office located in the Southern region of Brazil. Today we have over 26 associate offices in and out of the country as 04 registered branch offices in the main region capital cities in Brazil.

The company provides worldwide the main agricultural and industrial commodities produced in Brazilian ground, exporting it directly or under special export and agreements.

We also provide for the internal market different foreign imported products, acting as an importer and wholesale distributor of those.

As accessory services, we trade under third party order, rendering services for national industry exporting their products and supplying wholesale distributors importing and supplying their needs.

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