
  • P.O. Box 269
  • Goodland, Kansas, 67735
  • Združene države Amerike
  • Tel:1-785-8995947
  • Faks:1-899-2721
  • Spletni naslov:

O nas


We are one of the largest media and entertainemnt liquidators in our nation. We liquidate bulk lots of pre-recorded CDs Cassettes, VHS and DVDs and the classic... Vinyl LPs. Weither you are looking to purchase 1000 units or several truckloads, or you are looking to liquidate you entire inventory, we can meet your demand. Let us be your first choice.

We also liquidate large inventories of plush toys, toys, puppets and misc. other related items. We also liquidate large quantites of tech related items, which include, but not limited to: Computer items, novelties, software, games, consumer electronics, clothing and fashion.

Poslovni podatki

Ni na voljo

Prodaja na debelo, Distributer

Manj kot 5 oseb


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