About Us
Mostafa Bassim Farm is a provider of products and services such as alstroemerias, cut,anthuriums, cut,arum lilies/calla/zantedeschia, cut,asters, cut,anemones, cut,carnations, cut,daffodils, cut,dahlias, cut,delphiniums, cut,eustomas, cut,freesias, cut,gentians, cut,gladioli, cut,gerberas, cut,gypsophilas, cut,hydrangeas, cut,hypericums, cut,irises, cut,lilies, cut,narcissi, cut,chrysanthemums, cut,orchids, cut,ornithogalum, cut,peonies, cut,ranunculuses, cut,roses, cut,sandersonias, cut,solidasters, cut,statice/limonium, cut,tulips, cut,cut flower arrangements,lilies of the valley, cut,ixia, cut,lilies, oriental, cut,lilies, asiatic, cut,nerines, cut,foliage, flowering, cut,foliage, non-flowering, cut,flower petals.
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11 - 50 People
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