
  • 1701 N Greenville Ave.
  • Richardson, Texas, 75081
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:1-972-671-4563
  • فکس:1-972-671-4563
  • آدرس:

درباره ما


Mozart imports, inc. Was established in 2005. We have secured exclusive dealership, distributorship, and representation rights for the united states including alaska and hawaii for a product called "teahaz. " teahaz is a very affordable hibiscus based fruit tea with over 13 flavors available in many different packaging formats. As of right now we distribute to local and national accounts ranging from small retail shops to large tea blenders.

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

عمده فروش, توزیع کننده

5 - 10 نفر


مکان ما