• 42 George Street
  • Dumfries, DG1 1EH
  • பிரிடிஷ் கூட்டரசு
  • டெல்:01387252815
  • தொலைநகல்:01387 250010
  • Url:

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Surveyors and Valuers in Dumfries

We are moving our George Street, Stranraer Office to 1 Jubilee Crescent, Stranraer, DG9 8HY with effect from 17th June, 2013. The telephone

number remains the same 01776 702332.

The office will continue to be closely linked to our Dumfries Office with staff

resource support. Our Ken Paterson, FRICS will be on hand at Stranraer to deal

with any enquiries on a daily basis as before.

Head Office: 42 George Street, Dumfries, DG1 1EH

M R Rodger & Partners was established in the nineteen fifties. Over the years M R Rodger & Partners has established a high reputation for the provision of a quality of service second to none in the Scottish construction industry, providing Project Management, Quantity Surveying and related services to a broad and diverse client base, in both the Public and Private sectors.

Keywords: surveyor, site survey, house surveyors, chartered surveyors, valuers property, property surveyor, property surveys, m r rodger partners, M R Rodger , house survey

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