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HUGH JOHNSON THE RAP INSIDER VOLUME 1: The Rap Insider goes on a mission interviewing some of the greatest critics, best known as the New York streets, for thoughts And opinions on the rapper Jayceon Terrell Taylor a. K. A The Game. With shocking never aired footage this expose will shake the Hip Hop community. After his close relationship with the G-Unit crew during the beginning of his career as an artist, this West Coast rapper had a change of heart. Change that led to many arguments and controversy but nobody had ever bothered to hit the streets, to capture the peoples feelings. So, what does the New York streets, think about the rapper? Throughout The Rap Insiders mission the answers were revealed. His fake persona does not impress most people and it was found that his new product, Hurricane sneakers, is definitely not doing well in New York. Although, I most say, two of the people interviewed do think he is sexy. After uncovering the streets feelings about the The Game, he decided to search for more. The Rap Insiders expertise in journalism led him to find that it was not the first time, J. T a. K. A The Game, had a change of heart. After hearing of a video about the West Coast rapper in a dating show called Change of Heart, before he gained celebrity status, The Rap Insider, went on a scavenger hunt for the tape in various T. V and radio stations. While getting turned down and having to do indecent acts for the tape, The Rap Insiders mission was accomplished and the tape is finally in his hands. Now it is time for the Hip Hop community to see. CAST CREW features rappers The Game,50 Cent, Hip Hop Journalist Hugh Johnson and the streets of New York City

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