Riżultati għal: Preses
Kumpaniji 650 FoundKategoriji relatati
We offer standard designs of presses but generally each Hydraulic press is designed specifically for the application. Many factors go into designing a Hydraulic press & Hydraulic Deep Draw press... Aqra Aktar »
- Preses, elettro-pnewmatiċi, għall-metalli | Preses, idrawliċi, awtomatiku, għall-metalli | Preses, idrawliċi, kompjuter ...
- Rajkot
- Indja
Jinan Linteng Forging Machinery Co., Ltd with More than 400 employees, of whom more than 100 are technology developers are the backbone of the former state-owned scientific research institute... Aqra Aktar »
- Formazzjoni, gomma - makkinarju | Preses, mekkaniċi, hot-ippressar, għal metalli | Preses, mekkaniċi, li jiffurmaw, għ...
- Jinan
- Ċina
Huzhou Yongjiu Electric Wire & Cable Factory Was established in 2004. The factory is located in the famous economic zone - Yangtze River Delta, Huzhou city, Zhejiang Province (120km away from... Aqra Aktar »
- Cables, elettriku | Cables għat-telefonija | Cables tad-distribuzzjoni ta' l-enerġija | Kejbils, insulati, għal iw...
- Huzhou
- Ċina
PROMINOX S.A is one of the largest stainless steel and special steel boilermakers. The group has more than 650 employees across the world working for it in boilermaking, research and development, and... Aqra Aktar »
- Servizzi ibbottiljar Ħall | Taħlit servizzi għall-industrija tal-ikel | Servizzi jittieklu ibbottiljar taż-żejt | Serv...
- Casablanca
- Marokk
Production of machinery for the baking and food industries. Robotized systems for handling, chocolate egg wrappers, chocolate coin wrappers, nougat cookers and cutters, bakery machinery, automatic... Aqra Aktar »
- Għaġna magni għall-ħobż u l-għaġina teħid | Għaġna u t-taħlit makkinarju u tagħmir, ħlewwiet | Impjant iffurmar u tagħmi...
- Perugia
- Italja
- Magni folji tal-fuljetta | Fuljetta injam - makkinarju u tagħmir | Bordijiet, injam - makkinarju tal-manifattura | ...
- lin yi
- Ċina
HORUS ENVIRONNEMENT distributes equipment and solutions for improving and optimising industrial processes and environmental protection. Systems for treating residual and rain water for industrial and... Aqra Aktar »
- Konsulenti disinn tal-mudell, l-industrija tat-tessuti | Konsulenti tat-tessuti tad-disinn tal-moda | Servizzi ta...
- Cergy-Pontoise
- Franza
Incepted in the year 1978, Uma Brothers is counted among the leading distributors of a vast range of pharmaceutical raw material, bulk drugs and its intermediaries. Our range is wide in demand in... Aqra Aktar »
- Elementi ta 'tisħin, elettriku, għall-industrija tal-ħġieġ | Lubrifikanti | Plate tagħmir għat-tqandil tal-ħġieġ | Xfafa...
- Mumbai
- Indja
Turnkey Projects
The company undertakes Dairy Projects from 2000 Litres per Day (LPD) to 1, 00, 000 LPD on a Turnkey basis. Projects for manufacturing of Ice-Cream, Butter, Cheese, Ghee and Yogurt... Aqra Aktar »
- Btieti maturazzjoni krema u unitajiet trattament | Coolers Krema, l-industrija tal-ħalib | Krema tagħmir a...
- Thane
- Indja
Haicheng City Simu Talc Powder Factory is a comprehensive entity enterprise which integrates mining, beneficiating, machining, and international trade. Our factory is located in Haicheng which is... Aqra Aktar »
- Blajjet u sollijiet, ċeramika, laqx jew tafal | Copings, tafal, terracotta jew faience | Oġġetti tax-xita, siment ta...
- Haicheng
- Ċina
Eastsign is one of the leading supplier of comprehensive range of product lines on digital printing media as well as equipment for all types of signage applications. Our head office is located in... Aqra Aktar »
- Paper, trasferiment, mhux stampati | Tagħmir trasferiment tas-sħana | Magni tal-istampar ta 'trasferiment, tat-tessuti |...
- Shenzhen
- Ċina
While we do offer standard tooling profiles for press brakes we specialize in custom applications. If we are sent the drawings of the profile that needs to be bent on a press brake we can design and... Aqra Aktar »
- Għodod għall-istampa, l-istampa tal-brejk | Brejkijiet bil-pressa | Brejkijiet bil-pressa
- Surrey
- Kanada