Riżultati għal: Servizzi ta' riċerka u żvilupp sperimentali
Kumpaniji 4028 FoundKategoriji relatati
BioGrowing Co., Ltd. was founded in 2006 with the total investment of $43.8 million, and owns a production line capable of producing 150 tons high-potency probiotic powder. As one of the... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji | Oġġetti farmaċewtiċi
- Shanghai
- Ċina
RumenWorks Nutrition Pty Ltd is the result of 20 years involvement in the sheep and cattle industries, and has resulted from a desire to optimise production from our pastures and feed... Aqra Aktar »
- Servizzi ta' l-agrikoltura | Bijoteknoloġiji | Għalf għall-annimali
- Coffs Harbour
- Awstralja
Specialty Surgical Oncology is exactly as the name suggests, it is one of the top cancer hospitals with a leading group of specialist cancer surgeons with vast experience in highly focused areas of... Aqra Aktar »
- Kanċer / onkoloġija isptarijiet | Riċerka tal-kanċer | Ċentri ta 'trattament Kanċer
- Mumbai
- Indja
GENTAUR Molecular Products BVBA distributes trough his affiliates GENTAUR France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Poland, life science reagents from various qualitative know suppliers.
Every 2 months... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji | Aġenti ta' l-antineoplastika
- Kampenhout
- Belġju
- Servizzi taħt l-ilma ta 'inġinerija ta' spezzjoni | Mapping Tematika, fl-ajru | Eku servizzi rokits | Konsulenti t...
- Cluj-Napoca
- Rumanija
BIOTECH s.r.o. provides consultancy and guidance in the field of fermentatition technologies. We design and supply technologies for the production of alcohol from raw agricultural materials.BIOTECH... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji
- Trnava
- Slovakkja
SEMOS d.o.o. is a supplier of medical equipment that offers complete solutions in the field of human and veterinary medicine. We are a reliable partner who will advise on product selection, help with... Aqra Aktar »
- , Mediċina veterinarja riċerka u żvilupp | Laser mediċina
- Celje
- Slovenja
Jubilant Pharma Limited is a global integrated pharmaceutical company offering a wide range of products and services to our customers across geographies. Our business is organized in three segments – ... Aqra Aktar »
- Farmaċewtiċi riċerka u żvilupp
- Apex
- Stati Uniti
Zepto Life Technology is on a mission to innovate and develop a highly-sensitive and multiplexed immunoassay and molecular diagnostics technology platform that can quickly diagnose diseases and... Aqra Aktar »
- Riċerka u żvilupp tat-teknoloġija medika
- Saint Paul
- Stati Uniti
HAIDEN Group is working in the field of Diabetes Management. Control D portfolio includes Blood Glucose Monitor, Test Strips, Lancets, Lancing Devices, Safety Lancets, Alcohol Swabs and Mobile... Aqra Aktar »
- Riċerka Dijabete | Kura tad-dijabete
- New Delhi
- Indja
The State-of-the-Art center for prevention, evaluation, and treatment of all STI's in Central Florida. Orlando Immunology Center, or simply OIC, is a part of Infectious Disease Consultants (IDC,... Aqra Aktar »
- Immunoloġija riċerka u żvilupp | Immunoloġija
- Orlando
- Stati Uniti
Founded in 1974 by a research biochemist with mastery of electronics, optics, and the young field of computerization, Olis, Inc., has quietly and confidently pushed the envelope of instrument... Aqra Aktar »
- Riċerka bijoloġika
- Athens
- Stati Uniti
"Through our world-class team and collaboration partners, we are building a health science company that seeks to improve the lives of people suffering from chronic diseases,â Dr. Brian Curry... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijotekniċi, ir-riċerka, kummerċjali
- Milwaukee
- Stati Uniti
- Konsulenti inġinerija offshore petroleum | Konsulenti kimiċi, fiżiċi u bijoloġiċi inġinerija tat-test | Korsijiet ta 'ta...
- Volary
- Repubblika Ċeka
CellSystems offers highly sophisticated research products, including EU validated 3D in vitro skin models for research and toxicology assays that were developed and are produced at our onsite... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji
- Troisdorf
- Ġermanja
AIIMS is an Institution of National Importance with the Objective to Develop Patterns of Teaching in Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Medical Education in all itsBranches.
- Ċelloli staminali | Riċerka Dijabete | Sindromu minn immunodefiċjenza Acquired (AIDS) riċerka | Riċerka marda ta 'Alz...
- New Delhi
- Indja
Traders and Supplier of Desi Ghee and Other Milk Products.
- Immunoloġija riċerka u żvilupp | Immunoglobulini | Kits dijanjostiċi, mediċi, bijokimiċi | Test kits, it-tqala | Għajn...
- Noida
- Indja
- Spiża konsulenti analiżi | Konsulenti tnedija tal-prodott | Studji ta 'fattibilità ekonomika | Korsijiet ta 'taħriġ, is-...
- Helsinki
- Finlandja
- Riċerka marda ta 'Alzheimer | Newroloġija riċerka u żvilupp | Riċerka u żvilupp dermatoloġija | Mediċina u Kirurġija - a...
- Hamburg
- Ġermanja
- Ċentri tar-riżorsi | Servizzi ta 'librerija, ċentru dokumentazzjoni | Assoċjazzjonijiet xjenza u riċerka | Riċerka u żvi...
- Trondheim
- Norveġja
- , Mediċina veterinarja riċerka u żvilupp | Essenzi u fwejjaħ - nonfood | Riċerka agrikola u l-ħamrija
- Bondoufle
- Franza
- Konsulenti manifattura drapp | Bijoteknoloġiji | Industrijali mikrobijoloġija | Apparat bio-mediku
- Udine
- Italja
- Sistemi ta 'informazzjoni - Pariri | Mikrokompjuters, konsulenti | Servizzi ta 'ċertifikazzjoni għat-tagħmir solari u fo...
- Augsburg
- Ġermanja
BIOTECON Diagnostics is a leading developer and supplier of rapid methods for food testing laboratories. Foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria or E. coli have caused major disease... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji
- Potsdam
- Ġermanja
centrifugesEugene Labs provide a wide range of innovative tools and also services to Life science research vertical , their Products distributed in India are wider in range ,higher in quality, Ultra... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji
- Hyderabad
- British Indian Ocean Territory
Creative Proteomics provides a comprehensive range of proteomics services using both gel-based and gel-free proteome analysis platforms. We have integrated a set of protein separation,... Aqra Aktar »
- Bijoteknoloġiji | Servizzi ta 'riċerka u żvilupp
- Shirley
- Stati Uniti