Riżultati għal: Ħafur
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Listings preferuti relatati ma: Ħafur
MEG ZA IMPEX PTY LTD Food Stuff Trading, has been established as an International Business Agro-Commodities house. Importing, distributing and exporting state-of-art Birds and Animal feeds, Fresh... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ-ir-rum | Prodotti tal-qmugħ | Qamħ durum | Qamħ Spelt | Quinoa | Qamħ | Qamħ Isfar | Corn White | Ross Basmati | Ro...
Rogers Foods has been proudly milling quality flour and cereal products from Canadian grain for over 60 years. With mills in both Armstrong and Chilliwack, British Columbia, we produce wholesome... Aqra Aktar »
- Dqiq-tħin | Ċereali | Lewż | Kopra | Dqiq | Nuħħala tal-piżelli ħadra | Ħafur | Ħafur qamħ | Porridges djetetiku | Nuħħa...
- Armstrong
- Kanada
Maijexport - international trading company that is rapidly growing and evolving, constantly expanding their circle of business partners.
Our company is engaged in trade of timber and lumber of... Aqra Aktar »
- Arbli kbar ħafna għat-trasmissjoni ta' l-elettriku | Arbli għall-ġarr ta' linji li jgħaddu mill-għoli | Arbli | Polla...
- Sheffield
- Ingilterra
CJSC cereal plant naladchik was esteblished in 1988. Plant Naladchik is one of the largest cereal producers in Altai krai, Russia. Altai krai is ecologically clean region. So that, every product of... Aqra Aktar »
- Piżelli mqadda | Piżelli | Fażola | Buckwheat | Ħafur | Hull-inqas ħafur | Ħafur qamħ | Żrieragħ għall-ikel
- Biysk
- Russja
China-Russia Trade Corporation is a commercial structure that ensures the foreign economic interests of Russian Federation on the territory of People’s Republic of China and solves a set of tasks a... Aqra Aktar »
- Prodotti minn biedja mħallta | Qamħ-ir-rum | Ċereali u Ħabb | Qamħ | Qamħ Isfar | Stupru u tal-kolza | Żejt, żerriegħa t...
- Москва
- Russja
We, thezonelife, are the Trade Company that is exporting great Korean products to overseas countries with the goal of supplying the better products for the world.
We've continually tried our... Aqra Aktar »
- Produtturi koperattivi, frott u ħaxix | Koperattivi, inbid dawk li jkabbru | Produtturi koperattivi, laħam u tjur | O...
- Seoul
- Koreja t’Isfel
Xi'an GreenHerb Biotech Co., Ltd. is a High-Tech company, and aims to meet the needs of the medical, chemical, health food and cosmetics industries. We are engaged in supplying Natural... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ organiku | Ġewż | Blazei agaricus | Flower faqqiegħ | Fungus | Golden faqqiegħ labra | Matsutake | Morchella | More...
- Xi'An
- Ċina
Shaanxi Allstate Tech&Trade Co.Ltd. established in 2003. Its main business contains export and import machinery parts and manufacture products according to clients' drawing and sample.... Aqra Aktar »
- Servizzi ibbottiljar Ħall | Taħlit servizzi għall-industrija tal-ikel | Servizzi jittieklu ibbottiljar taż-żejt | Serv...
- Xi'An
- Ċina
Millstream has operations in Victoria, BC and Delta, BC. Customers include large grocery chains, specialty health food stores and a variety of local grocers. Millstream management and employees... Aqra Aktar »
- Dqiq-tħin | Zrieragħ tal-ġulġliel | Dqiq, sojja | Dqiq tal-qamħ-ir-rum | Dqiq tar-ross | Dqiq | Waffle taħlitiet | Ħobż,...
- Victoria
- Kanada
W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions (W.A. Grain) is an Alberta-based company that cleans pulses
for export. We also ship all grains and oilseeds for both export and domestic markets and
have the... Aqra Aktar »
- Agrikoltura | Ċereali | Żrieragħ taż-żejt | Dqiq tal-qamħ | Ħafur mitħun | Servizzi ta' l-agrikoltura | Segala tax-xit...
- Innisfail
- Kanada
Viterra is a leading grain and oilseeds marketer and handler. We partner with growers in Canada and the USA to help them market and deliver their grains in more ways and to more markets, than any... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ | Piżelli mqadda | Fażola, butir | Fażola, tal-kliewi | Ċiċri | Żrieragħ taż-żejt | Ħaxix kanarju | Ħafur | Għazz a...
- Brooks
- Kanada
EXPORT IMPORT TRADE CENTRE OF Canada AND USA LIMITED is an international food, fiberglass chemical products company successfully providing distribution, Import / Export, Trading services and... Aqra Aktar »
- Ġewż tal-anakardju | Ġellewż | Ġewż Amerikan | Qlub tal-ġirasol | Ċirasa friska | Lumi frisk | Żejt taż-żebbuġa | Żejt t...
- Toronto
- Kanada
Dear Sirs! Ukrainian Company Green Agro Trade, LLC is the supplier of products of the agricultural complex. We offer wide range of goods of Ukrainian origin: mustard, coriander, flaxseed, chickpea,... Aqra Aktar »
- Prodotti agrikoli u ta' l-ortikultura | Qamħ | Sojja | Soya | Sojja | Piżelli ħadra | Piżelli | Fażola | Qamħ sorgu | Ħa...
- Chernihiv
- Ukraina
We are a conventional oat mill producing various oat products for the domestic human
consumption market. The oat products we have for sale include: whole oat groats, steel
cut groats, various sizes... Aqra Aktar »
- Manifattura ta' prodotti ta' l-imtieħen tal-qmuħ | Taħlita tal-ħafur | Ħafur | Purifikat ħafur | Ħafur qamħ | Dqiq Bejgħ...
- Sturgeon County
- Kanada
Xi'an Huarui Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd. has been renowned as the top leading manufacturer of botanical extracts. Hua Rui's mission is to improve core competitiveness, promote more effective... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ organiku | Tuffieħ frisk | Frott tal-kiwi frisk | Rummien frisk | Frott organiku | Ħafur
- Xi'An
- Ċina
Yantai Haili Industry and Commerce Co.,Ltd(YanTai ZhongChuang ShengYe Co.,Ltd).
Yantai Haili Industry and Commerce Co., Ltd (YanTaiZhongChuang ShengYe Co.,Ltd).
was registered in Yantai Industry ... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ | Qamħ Isfar | Qamħ organiku | Banana friska | Żrieragħ taż-żejt | Żejt tal-karawett | Żejt tal-kolza | Żejt tas-so...
- Yantai
- Ċina
Ligerion Group is a consulting, trade facilitation and investment group residing in Moscow, Russia focusing on legal representation of foreign clients in Russia and CIS, business development and... Aqra Aktar »
- Konsulenza legali | Qamħ | Qamħ organiku | Żrieragħ taż-żejt | Zokkor | Ħafur
- Moskva
- Russja
Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers Of Agro Products, Coal & Coke Products, Textiles, Fertilizers & Steel Scrap, Marine Products, Petrochemicals, Hydrocarbons, Vegetable... Aqra Aktar »
- Raffineriji tal-pitrolju | Ħamrija, ortikulturali | Ċipep frott u qosor, ortikulturali | Kompost | Sostitut pit, pith k...
- Ahmedabad
- Indja
Chifeng Jiusheng Economy Trade Co.,Ltd based in Inner Mongolia, China, is originally established as Chifeng Zhenghe Industry and Trade co.,ltd in 1997.
We are specializing in buckwheat processing... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ | Qamħ organiku | Sojja | Fażola Vigna | Fażola kidnija | Mung fażola | Fażola iswed | Fażola organiċi | Żrieragħ b...
- Chifeng
- Ċina
Please send your details requirements.
We can supply.
Give me your telephone numbers.
Thank you.
Dr. Mohsin Ali, President
Credible Imports Exports, Inc
652 Vernon Avenue
East Meadow, NY... Aqra Aktar »
- Qamħ | Żejt tal-palm | Żejt tal-karawett | Żejt tal-kolza | Żejt tas-sojja | Żejt tal-ġirasol | Żejt tal-qamħ-ir-rum | Ħ...
- East Meadow
- Stati Uniti
- Qamħ | Ross | Xgħir | Sikrana | Ħafur | Qamħ durum | Qamħ artab | Qamħ Spelt | Buckwheat | Fuq il-corn cob
- Bialystok
- Polonja
Manufacture and trade of cereals (barley, wheat and rape).
- Qamħ | Ross | Xgħir | Sikrana | Ħafur | Qamħ durum | Qamħ artab | Qamħ Spelt | Buckwheat | Fuq il-corn cob
- Krimunu rural district, Dobeles district
- Latvja
- Negozjanti Komodità, ċereali | Negozjanti Komodità, ħwawar | Qamħ | Ross | Xgħir | Sikrana | Ħafur | Qamħ durum | Qamħ a...
- Merpins
- Franza