
  • No. 22, Alley8, Ghanbarzadeh Blvd. Dr. Beheshti
  • Tehran, Tehrān, 19557373
  • Иран
  • Тел.:98-21-88763728
  • Факс:98-21-88765891
  • Веб-адрес:

О нас


Dear sir;

We are the main producer of pistachio in Iran and we have more than 2000 hectares pistachio garden.

We are interested in to export our productions to any countries.

Please inform us about your demands, packing and quantity.

You can find more information about us in: WWW. Koohbanan. Com

Коммерческая информация

Нет в наличии

Производитель, Дистрибьютор

101 - 200 человек


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