
  • 2-12615 72 Ave
  • Surrey, British Columbia, V3W 1E8
  • Канада
  • Тэл:1-604-7279391
  • Факс:1-604-5970905
  • Адрас:

Аб нас


Welcome to Nile H2O

Nile H2O is a Canadian exporter of bottled water. We offer easy business solution to bottled water importers and distributors worldwide.

Services we offer:

- International market studies. - Sourcing high quality water. - Private label and custom bottle. - Registration and water quality analysis. - Exporting. - Marketing plans.

Products we offer:

- Spring Water

- Demineralised water (Sodium free water - Distillated water - Reverse osmosis water)

- Ozonated water

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