Neodymium Fishing Magnets

Maqnetik mürəkkəb xarakter oxucu

$ 10 USD / Parça


Mövcud deyil

Mövcud deyil


Məhsul təsviri

There are strong and powerful salvage magnets for sale at Meank. The name of strong salvage fishing neodymium magnet comes from the use, neodymium magnets used for magnet fishing operations are called neodymium fishing magnets or salvage magnets and search magnets. Magnetic salvage fishing magnet can be divided into single-sided pot fishing magnets and double sided magnets for fishing, both of the two types of extra strong fishing magnets can be made with ring-shaped neodymium magnets and disc-shaped neodymium magnets.

Neodymium magnet fishing for sale (salvage & search magnets) acts as a metal detector made with powerful neodymium pot magnets and durable ring bolts. Magnetic salvage fishing magnet can be done almost anywhere. The magnetic force of the neodymium magnet is enough to salvage large pieces of metal in the water. Magnet fishing can be seen at bridges, canals, boats, piers, and old wells. The magnetic salvage fishing magnets are made to lift any metallic objects from anywhere you can't get them.

You can use powerful fishing magnets to lift bicycles, road signs, tire rims, and other metal objects from wells, rivers, or lakes.

Strong Neodymium Magnet Fishing for Sale

Single Sided Fishing Magnets

Single sided fishing magnets have only one magnetic surface, the single side neodymium fishing magnets are composed of flat internal threaded neodymium pot magnets and stainless steel bolts.

Double Sided Fishing Magnets

As a simple and convenient fishing method, magnet fishing is favored by more and more people, you can salvage or search ferromagnetic objects quickly from deep water with a powerful fishing magnet. Ac...

Strong Magnets For Magnet Fishing

Outdoor magnetic fishing has become to be a meaningful sport, and loved by more and more people. Having one or more strong magnets is necessary conditions for outdoor magnet fishing...

Neodymium Magnets For Fishing

Neodymium magnets are widely used in magnetic fishing because of it's strong magnetic force. As the Nd-Fe-B material is fragile, it is easy to be broken by collision during fishing operation, whic...

Strong Salvage Magnets

Salvage magnet(fishing magnet) is a magnetic tool for searching and retrieving ferromagnetic objects in the bottom of river and well. It is also called magnetic assembly and search magnet. The main pa...

FAQs about Neodymium Magnet Fishing for Sale

1. What are the best strong&powerful fishing magnets?