• 3-2, Kawatakiyomizuyakidanchicho, Yamashina-ku,
  • Kyoto-Shi, Kyōto, 607-8322
  • Японія
  • Тел:81-75-5911313
  • Факс:81-75-5914913
  • Адреса:



Since its foundation,Nishimura Porcelain Co.,Ltd. Has been developing new materials and new manufacturing methods all time based on its ceramic manufacturing technologies from over 90 years' experience.

Nishimura porcelain does not only process ceramic materials, but is also an integrated ceramics manufacturer, kneading ceramic materials, and forming, firing and processing them to finish products, even for an order of one item only.

Nishimura porcelain's ceramic products are used for various purposes including heatsinks, LEDs, lighting apparatuses, machinery parts, semiconductors and LED manufacturing machines, medical equipment, sensors, and catalysts.

Nishimura porcelain processes CIP-formd products and accepts orders even for only one item.

We can provide products to satisfy diverse needs including small lot products and prototypes.

Nishimura porcelain uses over 100 materials of its own original formulations including almina, zirconia, yttria,aluminum nitride and other original materials. Nishimura porcelain offers the most suitable materials for your purposes and operational conditions.

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