• 15560 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite B4-5197
  • Scottsdale, Arizona, 85260
  • Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
  • Tālr.:(888) 926-3954
  • Fakss: ---.---.-----
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Omni Medical is a national distributor and consulting firm specializing in the latest capital aesthetic and diagnostic medical technology from innovative manufacturers based all over the world. Omni was founded by a small group of individuals, each of whom brings a minimum of 12 years of successful, award winning experience in sales, sales management and executive level marketing management with leading medical technology companies from all over the world. Omni Medical's locations include: New York, Chicago, Scottsdale, San Francisco and Los Angeles which allows for effective nationwide coverage for companies seeking representation. For more information, visit www.omnimedicalusa.com.

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