O nás


Opse researching projects ltd was established as an international company in Cyprus, about eight years ago. Opse was two branches Israel and Germany. It is involves in international trade and it is spread all over the world. One of the company special ties is christian religious items.

As the birthplace of jesus christ, the charming town of bethlehem has a sweet meaning to christians than any other places on earth. Being the birthplace of christ has located this small rose-colored city onto the world stange. Its origins are lost in history but its unique christian religious items reflect and express the ancient heritage since phyicians period. Muslim and christian families in the holly land guard this heritage from generation to generation.

Our unique religious items include: Hand-made sculptures, pottery, tiles murals, all made of olive wood, ceramic and crystal.

In our exhibition you can find: Exclusive hand made painted ceramic dishes with religious motives. The stone of jerusalem with various saying and proverbs engraved in the stone. (you can choose what you wish). Christian stones with various religious symbols and shapes engraved inside the stone. Saint figures and holy events made of olive wood and more and more

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