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Our company was established by BOYNUEGRI Brothers in 1980. After setting up the company, we started producing fason (style) of the known brands and for the defense Industry. We also have the ISO certificate so we produce up to the European standards. There are two production unit in our company. The first one is on fasion-ladies and gents trousers, shirts, t-shirts, sports wear, skirts and denim. The second production unit is for Police and military uniforms, military ponchos, military parkas (anorak), military bags, police motorbike clothes, fireproof overalls, fireproof fireman clothes, hotel, restaurant, hospital clothes and strappy technical clothes production. Our company has joint-ventures abroad, and provides textile products for some companies abroad aswell. Our company has widened its market share by trading with some Arabic countries, Latin American countries and Central Asian Turkish Republics.

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