
  • 25, rue Houara - ex Soldat Perrier
  • Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, 20410
  • Morocco
  • Tel:+212 5 22 98 50 94
  • Fax:+212 5 22 98 50 63
  • Url:



Pasfo Maroc is a provider of products and services such as importers-exporters, iron and steel,ladders, metal, tubular,ladders, metal, extension,ladders, metal, retractable,ladders, metal, telescopic,ladders, metal, folding,ladders, metal, transformable,ladders, metal, portable,ladders, metal, loft,ladders, metal, cage/jacket,ladders, metal, safety,ladders, metal, safety, road tanker vehicle dome access,stepladders, metal,scaffolding, flying, metal,scaffolding, overhead travelling,scaffolding for slaters,scaffolding for do-it-yourself (diy) use,scaffolding, ladder type,scaffolds and work towers, mobile, for the building industry,roof lights, ventilating, metal,doors, metal, for hangars and warehouses,doors, metal, wardrobe,doors, metal, internal, non-industrial,casement components and fittings, metal,door closers, metal,doorknobs and handles, metal,bowers, metal,rubbish chutes, metal,cabinets or enclosures, metal, for gas, water and electricity meters,corner guards, metal, for columns,angle rings, structural steelwork,clamps, metal, for girders and beams,masonry support systems, steel,expanded steel mesh for plaster reinforcing,formwork, metal,spacers, metal, for building applications,furring sections, steel,cubicles, metal,flagpoles, metal,clothes line posts, metal,lamp-posts, metal,stands and supports, metal, for stage lighting,sunshades and windbreaks, metal,risers and treads, perforated metal,mat well frames, metal,gratings, stair tread, metal,balustrades, metal, plastic covered,fittings for scaffolding.

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