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Expanded clay industry. Optimize your production with AVS-100



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In the process of expanded clay production the argillous raw material homogenizes and mills in the drilling mud mixers and rollers. But these equipments not ensure qualitative desintegration. As result we obtain the expanded clay of low quality. Insufficiently desintegration and homogenizing of raw materials lead to the result when even 3% of carbonate inclusion in the low-melt expanded clay can make it unusable. Obtained in such way expanded clay lose its durability or destroyed upon storage by the reason of CaO hydration. The oversanded glay with free SiO2 content to 10-30% is also not suitable for expanded clay production. All those problems can be successfully resolved by using Vortex Layer Machine – ABC-100 PC GlobeCore production. When we are using the unit ABC-100 for desintegration and homogenizing of the burden material we obtain the expanded clay of general engineering and special designations. In this case we also reduce the volume weight and increase the durability. Slip treatment of CaS04 with content of free SiO2 up to 40% leads to reducing of volume weight of the expanded glay in 2 times and increasing of its durability. The expanded glay strength-density ratio is almost in two times higher in the expanded clay, which is made from the burden material the unit ABC-100. The reason of sharp properties increase of the expanded clay is obviously activation of the high-silica sand caused by creation of active center or other words free radicals creation which are produced by the reason of the bond rupture of Si—O. Activation of SiO2 leads to active participation of the expanded glay in the silication and glass formation. After the expanded glay baking in its granules are absent coarse particles of SiO2, which are the concentrator of tension. Presence of SiO2 in the glass content increases its durability and thermostability. Good results are obtained by dry treatment of the raw material by the vortex layer. For example, from the monothermite (hydromicaceous clay) we obtained the light-weight fireproof aggregate which has the volume weight in 2 times lower but the durability in 2 times higher than which we have for the control sample (experiment 3, table 1). The positive result was obtained by dry treatment of the multicomponent burden material (with 50% ashes content) by vortex layer. The given examples shows you that the application of ABC-100 (Intensifier of Technological Process) is very perspective for obtaining of the expanded glay of high durability and thermostability from oversanded and over-carbonized materials, burden materials which contain up to 50% of waste product, for example, the coal ash. Real case studies are on our website