
  • 1304-5 13 / F, Cc Wu Building302-4 Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong, 3125
  • Αυστραλία
  • Τηλ:61-03-94694938
  • Φαξ:61-03-94694938
  • Διεύθυνση:

Αρχική σελίδα


Our company is based in Hong Kong and Sydney, we are a large Food Stuffs suppliers Manufacturer. We currently have over 2000 food items and also trade in Metals / Mineals, Building products, Furniture, and Petroleum Products through an exclusive branch of our business. We hold mandates and agency agreement for local and imopted products. Our business only deals diretly with Buyers / Agents and end users.

Please email for our product list.

Kind Regards

Danny Georgakilas


Australia / Hong Kong

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