• 316 River Rd N
  • Wappingers Falls, New York, 12590
  • ארצות הברית
  • תל:+1 845-233-6550
  • פקס: ---.---.-----
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דף הראשי


Prolistem® is the third generation of SpermHope® treatment, the new kit has improved formula and stronger effect to increase the success chances for non obstructive azoospermia patients. Prolistem® is the outcome of extensive male fertility research, as well as animal model research. All of this research has led to development of the Prolistem® treatment, which is based on a better understanding of spermatogenesis. Prolistem® is based on a new concept of testicular cells’ behavior that furthers the understanding of sperm production and the mechanisms of hormonal actions.

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Prolistem updated social links

Prolistem updated address

Our new location address:

316 River Rd N, Wappingers Falls, New York, 12590, ארצות הברית

Prolistem updated website

Visit our website @ https://prolistem.com/