• New Delhi, Delhi, 110016
  • Indland
  • Sími:91-94-56131293
  • Fax:91-11-26516366
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Pure Natural Health was initiated and started to carry forward this unique thought by translating the ideas and knowledge into practical and affordable product application, which would give a new life to the man-kind in this stressful and hostile environment. With the motto and vision of giving a very pure and healthy life to the world, Pure Natural Health started its operations in the June of year 2005.

It was during that time when father of Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, M.D. of the company was seriously ill and most of the doctors had give up the hope then Mr. Gupta was given some herbal extracts of the Chinese medicine therapy by which his father not only recovered but also gain weight in due course of time.

Impressed by the therapy Mr. Gupta decided to serve the nation with the therapy and hence went into with some very innovative products in Health Sector like Energy Circulation Machine and Health Sure, which not only takes care of the health of a normal person to keep fit throughout, but also gets rid of so many problems like diabetes, Blood Pressure, Obesity, Cervical, Spondylitis, Arthritis and so many other disease to get you medicine free throughout the life.

The incurable problems till now are hence entirely curable now on as claimed by the company. The company is designed to develop the product for the benefits of mankind with the help of medical terminology. Every product speaks shows its efficient nature by way of constant results. Vision of the company goes to the extent of maximum benefits provided to the user. Branding achievement is calculated against proper, effective friendly after sales service.

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