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Dear Sir / Respected Madam,
We are one of the leading manufacturers of Water / Sewage / Effluent Treatment Plants Products related to this area. At, PANDA WATER TECH. PVT. LTD. An ISO 9001 Company. We are a group of dedicated result- oriented professional having rich experience in the field of Water Treatment Industry, at various hierarchy in the different departments like Design Engineering, Marketing Project Execution of Reverse Osmosis Systems, De ionization Systems, Filtration System, Sewage Water Treatment, Effluent Treatment Components Related to this fields of different Capacities and up to Turnkey Projects for various reputed concerns. At this juncture we appreciate your keen interest towards our product range and very much pleased to give here with our brief details.
PRODUCT LIST:- We would like to enumerate products available with Panda Water Tech Pvt. Ltd. as per following list.
Sr. Products
1Filtration System (Sand, Carbon, Duel Media, Iron Removal Many More Filter) In FRP, MS, SS, MSRL
2Softening Plants
3De Mineralization Plants Mix Bed Plants
4Reverse Osmosis Plant from capacity 250 LPH to 150000 LPH
5Neno Filtration System
6Advance Membrane Separation Technology based on membrane Technology for specialty application
A]Dye Desalting Plant
B]Chemical separation plant
C] Waste water treatment plant
7Hydro Pneumatic Pressure Booster System
8Swimming Pool Filtration System
9Ultra Filtration System
10EDI Unit ( Electro Deionization Unit )
11Sewage Treatment Plant
12Effluent Treatment Plant
13Plants Components Like Membranes, Membrane Housing, FRP / MS / MSRL Vessels, Raw Water High Pressure Pumps, Sewage ETP Pumps, Dosing Pumps Systems, Instrumentations, Resins, Chemicals, Cartridges etc
Камерцыйная інфармацыя
Няма ў наяўнасці
Аптавікі, Вытворца, Вытворца, Агент
11 - 50 чалавек