
Maidir Linne

Cur síos

We, Rajasthan Harbals a Bangalore based

Company, are one of the leading mehandi oil,

Golecha Fast and Magic Heena, suppliers in India

Having a ready premix oil (Lavnil) for cones.

In our years of research and

Testing we have found that the main problems that arrive with

Manufacturers of mehndi cones are

1) Leakage Problem or runny paste

2) Colour doesn't come or reduces after 15-20 days.

Our mehndi oil helps in reducing the above problems

To a great extent, helps in keeping the paste, water and oil mixture

Together and preserving the pastes colour for upto 3 months hence

Reducing the problem of no colour or faded colour after some time.

Base of our Lavnil oil is Clove and Nilgiri which are

Perfectly blended into a few other ingredients which assist in less

Leakage and preserves the colour of the menhdi paste in the cone.

Please feel free to let us know of your requirements

And any other details that you require. Looking forward for your

Valuable response


Surendra Golecha


Sonraí Gnó

Níl sé ar fáil

Monaróir, Dáileacháin, Mórdhíoltóir

Níos lú ná 5 daoine


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