
  • 2/Organize Sanayi Bolgesi General Dursun Bak Blv. No : 5
  • Gaz'Antep, 27100
  • トルコ
  • 電話番号:90-342-337 18 91-3Lines
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Licorice root has been know to the world ancient times. It has been used inconfectionary, food, beverages, tobaco, pharmaceuticlas, cosmetics industries and petroleum fire extinguishing agent.

Remzimuhammet bayrakdar, founders of ra-ma co. Have a long association in natural botanical products.

These damacus-men arrived in gaziantep-turkey in 1985 and built a factory to process licorice root. Today the ramco is the name of industrial development of the harbal teas, thet you'll finded in our natural botanical products(licoricetea)

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