
  • 4 Ranga Apartment
  • Kodambakkam, Tamil Nādu, 600024
  • Индия
  • Тел:91-9841086786
  • Факс:91-44-24803575
  • Url:

За нас


We at Red C Impex in the field of Scrap business agent for the past one year. Located conveniently in Tamil Nadu, India, Iron Scrap heartland.

We had a chance to build a very good business relationship with the sellers and the buyers in USA, Europe, Africa and India. Our business is onmetal scrap, Aluminim tin, copiers, wate paper etc

Бизнес данни

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Търговец на едро, Разпределител

5 - 10 човека

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Нашето място