
  • Thokoly Ut 85.
  • Szolnok, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, 5000
  • Ungverjaland
  • Sími:36-56-424455
  • Fax:36-56-424743
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Our Reintex Co. Ltd. Established in the year 1997.

Our activity: textile clothes, export import of military clothes accessories, wholesale and retail.

Customers like our articles so much. Everyone knows the military clothings designed for high requisition and produced serious quality controls. These articles are in demand like working clothes but so popular among armed forces, hunters, anglers, security guards, tourists hikers.

One of our important activity is sale of military surplus.

We have possibility for let out our goods on hand continously on basis of our international business contacts, so the wide scale of our articles is available for our customers.

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Heildsala, Dreifingaraðili

11 - 50 manns


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