

Reminiscence is a local florist that offers same-day flower delivery all throughout Lac La Biche, Alberta. We are open Mondays-Fridays 10AM-5PM and Saturdays 10AM-4PM.

As the most trusted flower shop in Lac La Biche, we help every single customer impress their loved ones with our range of stunning floral bouquets and gifts! Our florists take pride in creating incredible floral arrangements that bring more love and happiness to any occasion.

Looking for a romantic bouquet of pink roses for your anniversary or Valentine’s Day? Colorful birthday flowers for a dear friend? Get Well arrangement for a relative? Potted white orchids for your mother? Sympathy food and fruit basket for a funeral? We’ve got everything you need.

Make someone special smile today with lovely floral bouquets and gifts from Reminiscence!

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Reminiscence updated social links

Reminiscence updated address

Our new location address:

10233 101 Ave #200, Lac la Biche, Alberta, T0A 2C0, Canada

Reminiscence updated website

Visit our website @