Our products have been tested against the others and has always outperformed the others. We always use quality chemicals, ship quickly and will help you out with your application by one of our CHEMICAL engineers. Our competitors are having hard time keeping up to us. Our price is significantly lower, because we offer concentrates, ultra concentrates. Example: 1-gallon of our ultra-concentrate will make 16 gallons of rust remover that is stronger than what they provide.
GUARANTEED Best Price and performance.
HIGH QUALITY/LOW COST and made for industrial applications.
ULTRA-CONCENTRATED--> 1-gallon makes 16-gallons of powerful chemical.
SAVE MONEY on outrageously high shipping costs.
REUSE over and over till solution turns black
NEUTRAL pH, comparable to drinking water.
NON-HAZARDOUS, no special shipping requirements.
NON-TOXIC, safe to use
BIODEGRADABLE, safe for the environment
SAFE on most common paints, plastics and rubbers.
Effectively removes oxides from steel, cast iron and other various steels and irons.
Brightens copper, brass and similar alloys. (call if you have any specific questions)
NEWEST technology available.
STABLE Crystal clear and does not turn yellow or has powder on the bottom of your container.
SUPER EASY MIXING with your own drinking water.
EASILY RINSES off with water to leave surface ready-to-paint.
MUST ADD WATER to activate the Concentrate.
IMMERSION AND CONTINUOUS SPRAY application only. NOT designed for hand spray applications (call or email us if you have any questions on application)
Great for automobile parts, wrenches, chains, gas tanks, and more.
REMOVES MILL SCALE effectively, just leave part in solution longer than normal oxides.