About Us
S.A. DE SOLDADURA Y METALIZACION ATOMIZADA is a provider of products and services such as steels and metals - surface treatment and coating,chlorine generators for swimming pools,filter bags,sherardising (zinc cementation) plant,passivating plant, metal surface treatment,aluminium anodic dyeing plant,phosphating plant, hot, batch, for metals,phosphating plant, cold, batch, for metals,phosphating plant, immersion, continuous, for metals,phosphating plant, spray, continuous, for metals,cleaning and phosphating plant, combined, for metals,peeling machines, metal bar finishing,descaling plant, chemical, for metals,electrochemical etching equipment,microfinishing machines, metalworking,laser hardening systems,rainwater collection systems,filtration plant for industrial water, standby, mobile,water purification installations, electrochemical,water purification equipment, ultraviolet (uv) light,water purification equipment, ultra-high purity,drinking water treatment and purification plant,water de-aeration equipment,water clarification plant,water sterilisation plant,water ozonisation plant,water oxygenation plant,water deionising equipment,water dealkalisation equipment,water neutralisation plant,water decalcification plant,water demineralisation plant,water dechlorination systems,water chlorination plant,water purification systems for flue gas desulphurisation plant,drinking water disinfection systems, electrolytic,effluent treatment plant, grain mills and distilleries,effluent treatment plant, agricultural,effluent treatment plant, waste fibre recovery,effluent treatment plant, waste ink and starch recovery,effluent treatment plant, recovery of hydrocarbons,detoxication plant, effluent treatment,bactericidal treatment plant, process water,effluent treatment plant, dyes,effluent treatment plant, marine,treatment systems for leachate and water percolated from solid urban waste disposal areas,underflow baffles, sewage treatment,effluent treatment plant, paper industry,effluent treatment plant, wood processing industry,cleaning systems for rainwater collection tanks,filter-bed regeneration equipment, effluent treatment,water softening plant, industrial,sea water desalination plant,water desalination plant,water deacidification plant,swimming pool water treatment plant,swimming pool water filtration plant,wave generating equipment, air injection, for swimming pools,effluent treatment equipment for the printing and graphics industry,coagulants and flocculants for water treatment,emulsifying agents, effluent treatment,biological products for treating sewage and industrial effluent,oil spill and slick eliminating chemicals,clarifying chemicals for water,water softening chemicals,water treatment chemicals, alkaline,deferrisation chemicals, water treatment,scale reducing chemicals for water,chemicals, sea water desalination,ion exchange materials, water purification,purifying chemicals for drinking water,chemicals, scale control, for reverse osmosis membranes,water treatment chemicals, boiler feed,cooling water additives, fouling and corrosion inhibiting,biocides and algicides for industrial water treatment,water treatment chemicals for swimming pools,cleaning products, chemical, for electric and electronic installations,cleaning products, chemical, for data processing equipment,degreasing and cleaning products for printed circuit boards (pcbs),deoxidants for electrical contacts,conformal coatings, chemical, for electronic components,thin film coatings, electronic,coatings, anti-corrosive, dielectric, for the protection of electric and electronic appliances,coatings, electromagnetic interference (emi) shielding,coatings, radio frequency interference (rfi) shielding,coatings and compounds, fire resistant, for electric cables,coatings, precious metal, for electronic components,magnetic oxides for audio tapes,metallising chemicals for printed circuit boards (pcbs),powders, luminescent, for electric lamps and tubes,fluxes for the electronics industry,antistatic products, electro-conductive, for the electronics industry,photoresists for microelectronics,photoresist strippers, semiconductor production,electronic circuit coolants,descaling chemicals for metals,rust removers,degreasing products for metals,passivating chemicals,bonderising salts,phosphating products for metals,pickling solutions for welding, soldering and brazing,pickling bath accelerators, metal treatment,pickling bath inhibitors, metal treatment,pickling bath stabilisers, metal treatment,metal hardening products, chemical,metal tempering products,chromating chemicals for metals,neutralising agents for metal surface treatment baths,flaw detection chemicals and dye penetrants for metals,deburring products, chemical, for metals,post-etch residue removers,electroplating chemicals for metals,precious metal plating chemicals,aluminium plating chemicals,brass plating chemicals,copper plating chemicals,chromium plating chemicals,lead coating products, chemical,nickel plating chemicals,tin plating chemicals,galvanising products, chemical,coatings, nickel-boron, for metal alloys,vacuum deposition (metallising) materials for metals,sputtering and evaporation materials for metal,stripping chemicals for metal,etching and colouring chemicals for metal,blueing agents for steel,demagnetising products for iron and steel,drawing agents for steel wire,sealants for metal,cleaning agents, industrial, for metal,polishing products, chemical, for metals,polishing compounds, cold metal treatment,lubricant carriers,water decalcification units and sleeves, magnetic.
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