
  • 100 Velayutham Road
  • Sivakasi, Tamil Nādu, 626123
  • بھارت
  • ٹیلی فون:91-4562-222223
  • فیکس:91
  • یو آر ایل:

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ہمارے بارے میں


Our company is experienced in the field of paper for last 4 decades and now we have started production for paper blanks in India. We have the latest and worlds best technology and give the best product with food grade paper and printing. Our main moto is to give the best quality blanks to the cup manufacturers

کاروبار کے اعداد و شمار

دستیاب نہیں


11 - 50 افراد


ہمارے محل وقوع