


Saint-Gobain Coating Solutions is a provider of products and services such as lacquering services for wood and wooden products,paint spraying services for wood and wooden products,spray coating services, wood and wooden products,wood graining services,mirror silvering services,metallising services, glass,laser coating services for optical lenses,coating services for optical lenses,coating services, plastic on stone,nano coating services,colouring services for lenses, high vacuum process,coating and lining services with glass fibre reinforced plastic (grp),refractory coating of graphite electrodes for electric arc furnaces,parylene vacuum deposition services for electrical and electronic components,spray coating and cocooning services, plastic,lining and coating services with rubber and plastic materials,plastic coating services, protective, for oil and gas pipelines,metallising services for non-conducting materials,sherardising (zinc cementation) plant,passivating plant, metal surface treatment,aluminium anodic dyeing plant,phosphating plant, hot, batch, for metals,phosphating plant, cold, batch, for metals,phosphating plant, immersion, continuous, for metals,phosphating plant, spray, continuous, for metals,cleaning and phosphating plant, combined, for metals,peeling machines, metal bar finishing,descaling plant, chemical, for metals,electrochemical etching equipment,microfinishing machines, metalworking,laser hardening systems.

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