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Seeds, fodder beet
Soil conditioners, horticultural
Fruit and nutshell chips, horticultural
Peat substitute, coir pith/coco peat, horticultural
Potting compost
Growing bags
Nutrients for preserving cut flowers
Compost activators and accelerators
Vermiculite, horticultural
Flower bulbs
Rooting compounds
Seeds, herb plant
Mustard seeds
Seeds, soya bean
Seeds, sorghum
Seeds, papaya/pawpaw
Seeds, hemp
Seeds, green vegetable
Seeds, root and tuberous vegetable
Seeds, tomato
Seeds, melon
Seeds, aquatic plant
Seeds, flower
Seeds, wild flower
Seeds, clover and grass
Seeds, cotton
Seeds, forage
Seeds, sugar beet
Seeds, watermelon
Seeds, cereal
Seeds, grass, for lawns (lawn seed)
Offset flower bulbs
Briquettes, compressed coir pith/coco peat, horticultural
Plant pots and basket liners, coir pith/coco peat
Fertilisers for fruit trees
Fertilisers for vegetables
Fertilisers for flowering plants
Fertilisers for tobacco plants
Fertilisers for vineyards
Fertilisers for pot plants
Fertilisers, protected crop
Fertilisers for hydrocultures
Fertilisers, fertigation
Fertilisers, soilless culture
Fertilisers, compound
Fertilisers, liquid
Fertilisers, granular
Fertilisers, sapropel
Fertilisers, phosphate rock
Fertilisers, phosphorite (coprolithes, apatites)
Trace element fertilisers, micro-fertilisers
Fertilisers, seed coating
Fertilisers for saplings
Fertilisers, nitro-chalk/nitro-lime
Fertilisers, potassic sodium nitrate
Fertilisers, controlled release
Fertilisers, ammonium nitrate
Fertilisers, ammonium phosphate
Fertilisers, ammonium sulphate
Fertilisers, calcium cyanamide/lime nitrogen/calcium carbimide
Fertilisers, calcium phosphate/phosphate of lime
Fertilisers, bicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate
Fertilisers, double perphosphate (superphosphate)
Pentachlorophenols and salts
Fertilisers, kainite
Fertilisers, magnesium
Fertilisers, nitrate
Fertilisers, phosphated
Fertilisers, potassium
Fertilisers, urea
Fertilisers, water soluble
Fertiliser salts
Hormone fertilisers
Fertilisers, ground lime
Fertilisers, foliar feed
Fertilisers, chlorine free
Herbicides, amide based
Herbicides, pyridazine based
Herbicides, thiocarbamate based
Herbicides, arsenical
Herbicides, dinitroaniline based
Wetting and dispersing agents for herbicides and plant growth control substances
Slug and snail poisons
Rodenticides and vermin destroyers, chemical
Game repellents, chemical
Plant protectives for fruit trees and vines
Weedkillers, non-selective
Weedkillers, selective
Brush and bracken killers, selective
Lawn sand
Propham/isopropyl phenylcarbamate, chlorophenylcarbamate
Chloro-4-methylphenoxyacetic acid
Mecoprop (CMPP 2,4)
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and salts
Dichlorodimethylvinyl phosphate
2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxybutyric acid (MCPB 2,4)
Chlorate, sodium trichloracetate
Fumigants, sulphur and carbon disulphide
Plant growth regulators
Anti-caking agents for fertilisers
Chelated trace minerals for fertilisers
Intermediates for weedkillers