
  • Rue Bonvarlet
  • DUNKERQUE, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 59140
  • France
  • Tel:+33 3 28 25 32 56
  • Fax:+33 3 28 24 15 80
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Sciama S.A. is a provider of products and services such as refractory installation services,fireclay products, enamelled,fireclay retorts and crucibles,refractory night storage heater blocks,refractory radiants for gas and electric fires,refractory shaped products for bakery and pastry ovens,refractory shaped products for electric furnaces,refractory shaped products for the ceramics industry,refractory shaped products for the chemical industry,refractory shaped products for the iron and steel industry,refractory shaped products for glassworks,refractory shaped products for cement works and limekilns,refractory shaped products for the electronics industry,refractory shaped products for hearths,crucibles, zircon,refractory products, silicon carbide, shaped,refractory product waste,refractory products, shaped, based on carbides, borides and nitrides,tiles, refractory,refractory linings for furnaces,refractory linings for gas retorts,refractory linings for boilers,refractory linings for flues,refractory linings for ladles,refractory sheaths,refractory sleeves,refractory tubing and tubes,refractory plugs and rods,refractory hollowware,refractory kiln furniture,refractory saggars,refractory setters,refractory batts and props,refractory muffles,refractory trays,bricks and blocks, refractory, boiler arch,bricks and blocks, refractory, coke oven,bricks and blocks, refractory, for fuel-fired furnaces,bricks and blocks, refractory, runner type,wedding veils,veils, ready-made,veiling, man-made fibres,veiling, natural fibres,net and tulle, staple fibres,net and tulle, plain,net and tulle, patterned,net for dresses,net and tulle, natural fibres,net and tulle, man-made fibres,net, cross ground,net, voile,net, filet,net, embroidered or spangled,net, quillings,net, jacquard,net on bobbins,net for blouses,net for nightwear and lingerie,net for bedlinen and bedspreads,net for antimacassars,net for mantillas,net for stockings,net for swimwear,net for hairnets,net for handkerchiefs,net for aprons,net for capes,net for veils,net for collars, cuffs and trimmings,net for frills and furbelows, couturiers,net for furnishings and curtains,net for table linen,net for decorative panels,net and veiling for hats,net for embroidery,net for ecclesiastical use,graphite, natural (plumbago),graphite, processed.

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