• Tec Labs Building-Campus of the University of Lisbon Science Faculty
  • Lisboa, 1749-016
  • 포르투갈
  • 전화:351-21-0993851
  • 팩스:351
  • URL:

회사 소개


Science4you is a company that develops, produces, distributes and commercializes scientific/educational toys.

All our products are scientifically certified by Universities.


* Young Entrepreneur Award Finicia - IAPMEI (2009)

* Entrepreneur of the Year Award - European Commission (2010)

* European Enterprise Awards: First Prize in the Category of Internationalization (2011)

* Business Internationalization Award: UK Government (2013)

Currently operating in Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Greece, France, Angola and United Kingdom.

비즈니스 데이터

NIF 508457467

도매업자, 분배 자

사용할 수 없음


우리의 위치