• 2G5, Pham Hung
  • Rach Gia, Kiến Giang, 95000
  • Vietnam
  • Tel.:84-966-775 609
  • Faks:84-77-396 0168
  • Url:

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Have a nice day to you.

I would like to send you the brief information for reference below.

SEA STARS CORPORATION has been supplying 7,009MT of finish products for more than 19 countries every year. It is renowned for purveying of very fresh, safe, good seafood for everyone - everywhere since 2008. We are catching raw material, and then keep preservation immediately for processing and packing, as well as shipment soon.

Our processing lines, which are under strict quality assurance guidelines and our quality control team, have been producing products and packaging on land. The employees are highly trained and experienced that follow up the quality standards. Further ensures that all quality standards are adhered to farming, catching, processing, packaging, storage of finish seafood products, and logistic. We always have to make our seafood production activities cast on transparency and the high-test standards of food safety. We have also striven to sincerely listen to our customer product specifications and many valuable instructions that we are working diligently to meet client requirements.

We can supply a list of seafood products, as following:

Shrimp Products:

Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon)

White Shrimp,Vannamei (Penaeus vannamei)

Scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus)

Yellow ring spiny lobster, Ornated spiny loster (Panulirus ornatus)

Slipper lobster (Thenus orientalis)

Scampi (Macrobrachium Rosenbergii)

Cat Tiger Shrimp (Parapenaeopsis spp)

Mollusca / Cephalopod Products:

Squid (Loligo chinensis)

Cuttle Fish (Sepiella spp)

Broad Squid (Sepia Pharaonis)

Octopus (Octopus spp)

Shell Products:

Scallop (Chlamys nobilis)

White clam, Hard shell clam (Meretrix lyrata)

Yellow clam (Paphia undulata)

Red arkshell (Arca granosa)

Sea Fishes Products:

Yellowfin Tuna, Yellow tuna (Thunnus Albacares)

Loins Non Co - Skinless, boneless, bloodline off

CO Treated Tuna Loins - Skinless, boneless

CO Treated Tuna Saku - Skinless, boneless

King Fish, Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)

Wahoo Fillet - Skinless, boneless

Wahoo loins Portion - Skinless, boneless, bloodline off

Barramundi, Giant seaperch, Seabass (Letes calcarifer)

Non CO Barramundi Fillet - Skinless, boneless, well trimmed

Red mullet (Upeneus moluccensis)

Japanese sailfish (Istiophorus orientalis)

Crimson squirel fish (Sargocentrum Rubrum/Holocentrus ruber)

Red grouper (Cephalopholis miniata)

Golden-banded fusilier (Pterocaesio diagramma)

Parrotfish (Scarus ghobban)

For product is Fillet / Portion - Skin on, boneless

Tuna skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis)

Bonito tuna (Sarda orientalis)

Ribbon fish (Trichiurus lepturus)

King snapper (Pristipomoides filamentosus)

Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)

Marlinfish (Makaira indica)

Oilfish, Butterfish, Escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum)

Swordfish Billfish (Xiphias Gladius)

For product is whole round

We are sure that you will satisfy with our finish products and excellent qualities, which are producing at the SEA STARS CORPORATION processing lines, as well as in support of you.

Please kindly send your inquiry to my underside below, we will send you the offers with world-class fresh food business services and standards are competitive prices that are not find another option.

Looking forwards to hearing from you.

With best regards,

Assistant Managing Director

Mr Nguyen Thanh Tung


HACCP Certificate and EU code of DL 610

FDA Registration No.: 17689736262

Tax Code Registration No.:1700570254, date of issue: March 03, 2008.

No. 2G5, Pham Hung Street, Rach Gia City, Kien Giang Province, Viet Nam

Tel: +; Fax: +84.77.396.0168

Cell phone: +84.966.775.609

Skype: nguyenthanhtung09

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