• 304-3960 Quadra St.
  • Victoria, Colombie-Britannique, V8X 4A3
  • Canada
  • Tél:250.479.3638
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AutoCAD based software products designed for engineering and construction

Services de développement de logiciels


1 Année (s)


Description du service

ShipConstructor is a suite of AutoCAD based software products designed for engineering and construction in the shipbuilding industry. ShipConstructor’s AutoCAD foundation provides a user environment that is a globally recognized CAD/CAM standard. This results in an existing labor pool of expertise, a common DWG format for sharing information with other applications, and a portfolio of complementary Autodesk products. ShipConstructor’s use of COTS technologies such as AutoCAD and Microsoft SQL Server allows it to be integrated with other business processes and applications. This enables it to address the requirements of all clients and projects. The Associative DWG capability of ShipConstructor’s Marine Information Model provides true Concurrent Engineering for the first time in shipbuilding CAD/CAM; all engineering disciplines can work within a single integrated environment with associativity that extends to the production drawing level. These differentiators are combined in an industry specific product that incorporates shipbuilding standards, concepts and terminology.