
  • 42 / 117 Dum Dum Road
  • Kolkata, West Bengal, 700074
  • هند
  • تلفن:91-33-9748008899
  • فکس:91
  • آدرس:

درباره ما


Shree Onkarnath Trading Co. is starts the walk in the year 2009. Working with Contract Cultivation the organisation specialised in delivery of different types of products, planting material, consultancy of farming on different types of medicinal plants. We gather the products like dry herbs, plant parts, organic dusts etc on demand basis. We deliver the products as our contract.

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

توزیع کننده, عمده فروش

5 - 10 نفر


مکان ما