
  • Jl. Mastrip 822 A Karang Pilang Surabaya
  • Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60221
  • इंडोनेशिया
  • दूरभाष:62-31-7664453-55
  • फैक्स:62-31-7663549
  • यूआरएल:

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मुख्य पृष्ठ


Fulfilling and satisfying human needs for footwear all over the world has been our most important aim. Since established in 1970, skyway has been faithful to its commitment, and proven itself to be experienced in both traditional and hi-tech process of sandal manufacturing.

Our design team always pays special attention to every little details, starting from comfort, style, color, construction, to durability. With one plant in surabaya and two plants in jakarta, as well as high quality raw materials, responsible and reliable management, skillful and well-trained workers, accurate and sophisticated machine facilities, enable skyway to produce approximately 78,000,000 pairs of sandals per annum.

Skyway's capability to produce its own ready-to-use materials minimizes dependency on other suppliers. It allows us to define distinct characteristic/identity in our materials and guarantees consistency in the quality and quantity of our products. Having the opportunity to choose and use specific raw materials for producing recyclable sponge, is yet another advantage for skyway to be able to participate in creating a healthier environment and a cleaner world.

Supported by its competency, skyway has set a determination to ever increase production's quality and quantity for the future. After all, comfort, style, durability and customer satisfaction is our goal of achievement.

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