• 935 Reverchon
  • Montreal, Quebec, H4T 4L2
  • Канада
  • ТЕЛ:1-514-7333515
  • Факс:1-514-7330955
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Albatross Yellow

Алстремерија, нарезано



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Опис производа

Long lasting, ALL chrysanthemums (mums, disbuds, spray poms) last up to 10 to 12 days.

Single stemmed disbudded mums available in standard commercial mum, spider mum and cremon types.

Disbuds should meet minimum grading standards (see Grading Info).

We find that the painted disbuds are performing much better that the ones dyed by absorption. The absorption process seems to dry out the foliage and increase the problems with botritis growing during shipping.