Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Cibule a osiva
Nájdené 3493 firiemSúvisiace kategórie
We are a group of comapnies (SEF SA, MPREZAS SA, DIOLKOS Ltd), manufacturers, traders and distributors in the areas of the Edible oils, several Food items and Agriculture commodities . We can... Prečítajte si viac »
- Strukoviny | Olejnaté semená | Rastlinné oleje | Palmový olej | Slnečnicový olej | Kukuričný olej | Olej, sójový, priemy...
- Týrnavos
- Grécko
Consulting trading, Investment, import & export, business registration in the Netherlands, finding Dutch suppliers and products for export and distribution
Dutch Trade Office collect a global... Prečítajte si viac »
- Semená kvetov | Sezamové semená | Cibule kvetín, semená a sadenice | Rastlinné cibuľky | Osivo | Priesady kvetov | Cyklá...
- Amsterdam
- Holandsko
Millstream has operations in Victoria, BC and Delta, BC. Customers include large grocery chains, specialty health food stores and a variety of local grocers. Millstream management and employees... Prečítajte si viac »
- Priemyselné mlyny | Sezamové semená | Múka, sójová | Kukuričná múka | Ryžová múka | Múka | Oblátkové zmesi | Chlieb, bez...
- Victoria
- Kanada
Bunge is Canada’s largest processor of oilseeds producing protein meals for the animal
feed industry and vegetable oils used a food ingredient. Bunge’s quality product lines
include: shortenings, fr... Prečítajte si viac »
- Krmivo pre zvieratá, konzultanti | Pestovanie obilnín (okrem ryže), strukovín a olejnatých semien | Výroba margarínu a p...
- Wainwright
- Kanada
W.A. Grain & Pulse Solutions (W.A. Grain) is an Alberta-based company that cleans pulses
for export. We also ship all grains and oilseeds for both export and domestic markets and
have the... Prečítajte si viac »
- Poľnohospodárstvo | Obilniny | Olejnaté semená | Pšeničná múka | Ovsené krúpy | Poľnohospodárske služby | Ozimnej raž | ...
- Innisfail
- Kanada
Viterra is a leading grain and oilseeds marketer and handler. We partner with growers in Canada and the USA to help them market and deliver their grains in more ways and to more markets, than any... Prečítajte si viac »
- Zrno | Sušený hrach | Fazuľa, obyčajná | Fazuľa, kidney beans | Cícer | Olejnaté semená | Lesknica kanárska (krmivo pre ...
- Brooks
- Kanada
Agricultural production export, wholesale trade of grain and oil crops.
Domestic activity
Subsidiary enterprise with foreign... Prečítajte si viac »
- Dovozcovia/vývozcovia, poľnohospodárske výrobky | Zrno | Sušený hrach | Sójové bôby | Repková múka, kŕmna | Múka, sójová...
- Kyiv
- Ukrajina
Our company, Qingdao Pan-Kai Import Export Co., Ltd., is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters in China, specialized in the production and export of various kinds of Chinese foodstuff.
- Organicka zelenina | Slnečnicové jadrá | Tekvicové jadrá | Agaricus blažeja | Hríb | Kvetinová huba | Matsutake, huba | ...
- Qingdao
- Čína
Jining Lingfeng Fruits Vegetables Co., Ltd. is located in Shandong Province, China. We export more than 20,000MT of Chinese fruits and vegetables to worldwide markets every year. Our main export... Prečítajte si viac »
- Gaštany | Vlašské orechy | Čerstvé citrusové plody | Čerstvé hrušky | Čerstvé jablká | Čerstvé hrozno | Čerstvé kiwi | Č...
- Jining
- Čína
Dezhou Yaxin Import Export Co., Ltd. covers an area of 80 acres and owns about 10,000,000 Yuan of investment in fixed assets. We have a room temperature storage warehouse and a low temperature... Prečítajte si viac »
- Cirok | Bôb | Sójové bôby | Vigna fazuľa | Fazuľa veľká | Mungo fazuľa | Organická fazuľa | Organicka zelenina | Vlašské...
- Jinan
- Čína
Rajpal Company
Established in the year 1930, Rajpal Company has made a mark in the arena of Bulk Buying direct from the Farmers/Mandis , Proper Processing, Grading, Packing, Supplying and... Prečítajte si viac »
- Kukurica | Biela kukurica | Organické zrna | Ryža, Basmati | Čerstvé kokosové orechy | Olejnaté semená | Kokosový olej |...
- Mumbai
- India
BIB follows a unique way to merge nature's wealth with Bio-Science concepts for better future. Our product range -Pure Botanicals, Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils, Fragrances, Effective Micro... Prečítajte si viac »
- Olejnaté semená | Zázvorový oleja | Šípkový olej | Olej zo semiacok vodného melóna | Mätový olej | Lišajníkové extrakty ...
- Hyderabad
- India
We are Govt. Recognized Star Export House namely Swastik International, based in Rajkot ( Gujarat ) India, mainly dealing with all kind of Agro commodities. We offer various products such as :
Oil... Prečítajte si viac »
- Olejnaté semená | Nugát | Dražé | Cukrovinky obsahujúce xylitol | Chalva | Lízanky | Marshmallows | Svietniky | Tlačov...
- New Delhi
- India
Located near Shadnagar in the industrially backward Mahaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh about 70 kms from Hyderabad on National Highway No7 connecting Bangalore , the Company has the most... Prečítajte si viac »
- Aukcie, komodity | Komoditní obchodníci, surový kaučuk a guma | Komoditní obchodníci, surová guma a latex | Komoditní ob...
- Hyderabad
- India
Shaanxi Allstate Tech&Trade Co.Ltd. established in 2003. Its main business contains export and import machinery parts and manufacture products according to clients' drawing and sample.... Prečítajte si viac »
- Plnenie fliaš octom | Miešanie čaju | Plnenie jedlého oleja do fliaš | Varenie a vákuové balenie potravín | Sušenie rozp...
- Xi'An
- Čína
Zhecheng Hong Xin Machinery Factory is specialized in machines used to make charcoal, including barbecue charcoal and charcoal made from sawdust. Our company was established in 1990, with 120 staff... Prečítajte si viac »
- Kukurica | Arašidové oriešky | Olejnaté semená | Olivový olej | Arašidový olej | Repkový olej | Fazuľové klíčky | Sušené...
- Zhecheng
- Čína
With its head office positioned in the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAS FTZ) , Amalgamated Business Solution Free Zone Company (ABS Fzco) is well-located to provide its customers with off-shore... Prečítajte si viac »
- Ostatné logistické služby | Registrácia firiem a prevod firiem, služby | Práca a zamestnanosť, služby | Potrubné tvarovk...
- Ra’s al Khaymah
- Spojené arabské emiráty
Weifang Zhongrui Import Export Co., Ltd. is located in Weifang, a well-known city as "World Kite Capital", in the middle of Qingdao and Jinan of China.
Our company is a professional... Prečítajte si viac »
- Sójové bôby | Fazuľa veľká | Gaštany | Melonové semená | Slnečnicové jadrá | Tekvicové jadrá | Marhuľové jadrá | Arašido...
- Weifang
- Čína
Transaction name: H.X EXPORT CENTRE
Address: 625/3 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh St., Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist.,
HoChiMinh City, VietNam
Tel: +84-8-5117992 / 5117828
Fax: +84-8 5117829
First of all, we... Prečítajte si viac »
- Priemyselné mlyny | Sójové bôby | Kešu oriešky | Čerstvé banány | Čerstvé kokosové orechy | Čerstvý dragon | Koraly aleb...
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Vietnam
As the leading agricultural retailer of crop inputs and solutions, we're here to help you grow. Whether you're looking for top-of-the-line nutrients or an integrated vegetation management... Prečítajte si viac »
- Osiva a ochrana osív | Poľnohospodárske služby | Plodíny, semená | Odrezky | Žatva | Pestovanie poľnohospodárskych kultú...
- Dassel
- Spojené štáty
"AgriBegri Trade Link Pvt Ltd Incorporated in the year 2016 is a platform, where sellers can advertise to promote and sell their agriculture input products, thus we act as a bridge between... Prečítajte si viac »
- Poľnohospodárske a plantážnické produkty | Bavlníkové semená | Hybridné semená | Begónie semená | Cibuľky anemone | Bals...
- rajkot
- India
Manufacturer of organic-mineral substrates and soil enhancers. Production capacity 100.000 m3/year. Our trade marke : HUMOKOMPOVIT HUMOKOMPOVIT H-1 univerzal - soil for planting and replanting... Prečítajte si viac »
- Semená kŕmnej repy | Huby, pestované | Hľuzovky a nepestované huby | Podhubie na pestovanie húb | Semená byliniek | Horč...
- Mursko Središće
- Chorvátsko
Xi'an Bosheng Biological Technology Co., Ltd., located in New Town Science and Technology Park, is devoted to biotech industry and natural botanical ingredients, integrating research and... Prečítajte si viac »
- Sójové bôby | Čerstvé citrusové plody | Čerstvé kiwi | Olejnaté semená | Arašidový olej | Repkový olej | Sušené ovocie |...
- Xi'An
- Čína
Golden Boy Foods is a leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of more than 400 Private Label and Branded food products, including baking nuts, snacking nuts, peanut butter, other nut butters... Prečítajte si viac »
- Matice | Semená | Arašidové maslo | Sušené ovocie | Orechy | Fazuľa | Šošovica | Spracovatelia potravín a výrobcov...
- Burnaby
- Kanada
Richardson Oilseed offers a wide variety of zero trans fat canola oils, non-hydrogenated
margarine and shortening solutions that satisfy the needs of our customers requiring
innovative,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Výroba margarínu a podobných jedlých tukov | Olejnaté semená | Oleje rastlinné surovej | Margarín | Rastlinné oleje | Ra...
- Lethbridge
- Kanada
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading corporate company mainly engaged into cotton ginning and manufacturing of cotton Bales,peanuts,sesame seed,spices with a deep... Prečítajte si viac »
- Kukurica | Žltá kukurica | Cícer | Sójové bôby | Arašidové oriešky | Olejnaté semená | Ricínový olej | Arašidový olej | ...
- Bhuj-Kutch
- India
Heze Yusheng Agriculture Products Imp. Exp. Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier exporter of agricultural products. We are located in Heze of Shandong - the hometown of peony, Wushu, opera,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Organicka zelenina | Čerstvé jablká | Čerstvý cesnak | Čerstvý zázvor | Čerstvé zemiaky | Čerstvé sladké zemiaky | Araši...
- Heze
- Čína
We were established in 2007 in Linyi, China, and we are one of new foreign trading companies with registered capital of 3 million RMB in China. We were approved by the country to have import and... Prečítajte si viac »
- Organicka zelenina | Gaštany | Čerstvé jablká | Čerstvé datle | Čerstvý cesnak | Čerstvý zázvor | Čerstvé zemiaky | Araš...
- Linyi City
- Čína
May we take opportunity to apprise you and bring to you some of the miraculous developments in the field of Fodder Revolution and to stimulate your interest in s (AN QC (Quality Commitment) and... Prečítajte si viac »
- Krmoviny, semená | Olovo | Zinok | Cín | Cín - zliatiny | Nikel | Vanád | Mangán | Molybdén | Tantal
- Mumbai
- India
We are in the field of turmeric supplieing since 100 years we are currently supplying all over India and supply to actual exporters for their overseas requirement. We would like to supply to the... Prečítajte si viac »
- Pšenica | Kukurica | Žltá kukurica | Cícer | Sójové bôby | Fazuľa veľká | Olejnaté semená | Sezamový olej | Arašidový ol...
- Nizamabad
- India