Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Okná
Nájdené 18481 firiemSúvisiace kategórie
The past
Hi Tech Resource owns the brand GOME®, historic family-owned company, that for 50 years has been synonymous of quality agricultural mechanization, known for its heat generators for ... Prečítajte si viac »
- Okná skleníkov a parenísk | Priemyselné odvlhčovače | Systémy ústredného kúrenia, teplovzdušné generátory | Elektrárne n...
- Borgo a Buggiano
- Taliansko
Diamond Sea Glaze has been a custom fabricator of windows, doors, hatches and specialty glass products for over 30 years. Our product innovations have been driven by our customers' unique needs... Prečítajte si viac »
- Zariadenia malých prístavov | Okná a súvisiace prvky | Okná a priezory pre lietadlá a lode | Materiál na stavbu a opravu...
- Langley
- Kanada
Zhejiang Guoyao Aluminum Industry Ltd. is a collection of various types of energy-saving, environment-friendly aluminum alloy development, production in one high-tech enterprises. The company is... Prečítajte si viac »
- Dverové rámy (zárubne) z ľahkých zliatin a hliníka | Hliníkové okná a súvisiace prvky | Hliníkové okná | Hliníkové profi...
- Hanyan
- Čína
Euroinfissi is the thermally-cut aluminium joinery sector and aluminium-wood joinery leader, and the leading manufacture of the Kikau series of adjustable, armoured and fixed louvre blinds. It also... Prečítajte si viac »
- Okná a dvere | Dvere a vráta pancierová a protipožiarne, pre priemysel | Dvere domové vnútornej | Automatické dvere a ko...
- Mottola
- Taliansko
Our drive to make windows and doors that are different and better has been at the heart of our company. It has led us to pioneer new products and set higher standards. At MWD windows and doors are... Prečítajte si viac »
- Okná, dvere a súvisiace prvky | Príslušenstvo na dvere a okná | Dvere | Dvere pre domácnosti | Dvere a brány, priemysel ...
- New Delhi
- India
We are a company that offers solutions in Vidrio and Aluminum, we will be in Puerto Vallarta. We have a wide range of products for developing real estate, industrial and particulate projects.
- Hliníkové okenné rámy | Hliníkové okná a súvisiace prvky | Hliníkové okná | Sklo, okenné | Zrkadlá | Výmena okien | Okná...
- Ixtapa
- Mexiko
Installs, maintenance & repairs. Gator Strong Services is your one stop contractor for your fence & gates, hurricane/security shutters, decks & screens, and access control systems. Call... Prečítajte si viac »
- Závory a stojky závor, drevené | Rolety vonkajšie | Hliníkové okenice/žalúzie/rolety | Okenice | Roletové okenice, kovov...
- Wilmington
- Spojené štáty
A leaky wooden or plastic window, etc., not only reduces the comfort of living, but also loses energy. The range of doors and windows available from us will guarantee you the preservation of heat in... Prečítajte si viac »
- Montáž dverí a okien a súvisiacich súčastí | Montáž zárubní a okenných rámov | Montáž zárubní | Montáž okenných rámov | ...
- Wrocław
- Poľsko
The company was founded in 1996 in Panevezys. From that day successfully operating in Lithuania and abroad.
The main principle is - no harm to customers and the environment.
The main activity... Prečítajte si viac »
- Okenné systémy, manuálne, kovové | Drevené okná | Komponenty, drevené, na prefabrikované drevené budovy | Výrobky z drev...
- Panevėžys
- Litva
Manufacturer Exporters of Laboratory and Scientific Instruments Apparatuses from the past 30 years we are known in the Industry for the Quality of our products. Instruments Apparatuses are made... Prečítajte si viac »
- Elektronické okná | Rezací drôt alebo drôtená tkanina s diamantovou vrstvou | Vrtáky, diamantové | Rezače na jadrá, impr...
- Ambala Cantt
- India
Founded in 1979, Serr.All. srl has established itself in Italy as a leader in the aluminium and PVC window frame construction sector; thanks to an enterprising philosophy oriented towards continuous... Prečítajte si viac »
- Import-export - stavebníctvo a verejné stavby | Okná a dvere | Drevené dvere, otáčavé | Dvere rolovacie dohora, vysoko...
- Taverne
- Taliansko
Master's Home Solutions is a premier destination for transforming your living spaces into havens of style and comfort. With a commitment to expert craftsmanship and innovative designs, we... Prečítajte si viac »
- Vane, kúpacie a sprchové nádrže, kovové, protišmykové | Kúpacie vane, akrylové | Vane, hydromasážne (whirlpool), akrylov...
- Bethlehem
- Spojené štáty
CNBM International Corporation, China National Building Materials (Group) Corporation, is one of the largest companies in China building material equipment industry, with 42,800 employees and sales... Prečítajte si viac »
- Elektronické okná | Naťahovacia fólia | Hadice, gumené, na zavlažovanie | Hadice, gumené, na použitie v záhradníctve a p...
- Beijing
- Čína
Established in 1963, the company is now the Italian leader for lamellar wood window frames. Opening and sliding window frames, fixed louvre blinds, tilting louvre blinds, blind double-angle louvre... Prečítajte si viac »
- Rolety vonkajšie | Rolety zaťahovacia s motorovým pohonom | Okná a dvere | Dvere pre domácnosti | Dvere domové vnúto...
- Mottola
- Taliansko
"ALS Glass Works is a professional glazier located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. ALS Glass Works specializes in the design and installation of glass balustrades and glass pool fencing for... Prečítajte si viac »
- Hliníkové okná a súvisiace prvky | Oplotenie, rošty a brány | Sklenárske, dekoratérske a pokrývačské náradie | Sklo a vý...
- Brisbane
- Austrália
Founded in 2007 as Super Windows, we began as a vinyl windows manufacturer and supplier, dedicated to delivering high-quality, energy-efficient products for the BC environment. As our business grew,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Súčasti na dvere a okná, drevené, potiahnuté ľahkými kovmi | Dvere pre domácnosti | Dvere a brány, priemysel | Automati...
- Port Coquitlam
- Kanada
We the Youngrim Engineering Co., Ltd was founded in1987. Since then, we've been producing automated press which highly increased both the production and safety for the manufacturing... Prečítajte si viac »
- Cínové rúry a rúrky | Hliníkové rúry a rúrky | Medené rúry a rúrky | Rúry a trubice, neželezné, extrudované | Rúry a tru...
- Sihung-City
- Južná Kórea
Tricon supplies trusses, engineered wood products, windows, doors, air tools, and fasteners to the industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. Tricon sets themselves appart from their... Prečítajte si viac »
- Montáž drevených dverí | Drevené krovy | Dvere a brány, priemysel | Dvere a okná, drevené | Okná drevené | Strešné krovy...
- Smithers
- Kanada
Suzhou KAIHANG Electromotor Co., Ltd. (KHM is logo) is one of the largest suppliers of custom-made and special AC DC universal motors for all kinds of cleaning equipment, power tools, garden tools,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Spájanie optických vlákien | Kladenie a zakončovanie optických káblov | Elektronické okná | Diely pre zariadenia na čist...
- Suzhou
- Čína
For over a dozen years we have specialized in the manufacture and sale of windows and doors. We offer the highest quality PVC windows, aluminum windows, PVC doors, garage doors and a full range of... Prečítajte si viac »
- Okná, dvere a súvisiace prvky | Dvere | Okná | Okná a súvisiace prvky | Okná drevené, výrobcovia | Dvere výrobcovia | Dv...
- Warszawa
- Poľsko
Scope of activity: projecting (+ technical processing of projects), producing and construction of wooden houses from glued profiled beam; rectilinear wooden products: beams for windows, doors,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Schodiská a zábradlia | Dvere pre domácnosti | Okná drevené | Záhradné prístrešky | Prefabrikované domy | Výrobky z drev...
- Vilnius
- Litva
We specialize in replacement windows, doors and patio doors for the residential market and work directly with homeowners, and take care of supplying and installing the windows and doors. We offer... Prečítajte si viac »
- Dvere pre domácnosti | Posuvné a skladacie dvere pre domácnosti | Dverové dielce, zložené, drevo-kov | Železné alebo oce...
- Calgary
- Kanada
Professional Glass Window Services and Repair are one of the best in Window and door glass repair, replacement and installation service provider in Washington DC, Maryland & Northern Virginia. We... Prečítajte si viac »
- Zasklievanie okien farebným sklom | Okná s farebnými sklami | Okná | Sklo | Výmena okien | Oprava skiel | Rozbité sklo...
- Falls Church
- Spojené štáty
You are sure of a guarantee with Lombardo Serramenti: from the choice of equipment to the innovation of our manufacuring systems. A commitment that ensures customer satisfaction.
- Sprchové kúty | Rolety vonkajšie | Okná a dvere | Dvere domové vnútornej | Okenné sieťky a moskytiéry | Okná | Žalúzie v...
- Siderno Marina
- Taliansko
Timber windows and timbeLomax + Wood supply and install premium, durable and traditional style made-to-order timber windows throughout the United Kingdom.
They offer an entire range of wooden... Prečítajte si viac »
- Rámy dverí | Drevené dvere | Drevené okná | Rezivo, z tvrdého dreva | Rezivo, z ihličnatého dreva | Okná drevené, výrobc...
- Mountnessing
- Spojené kráľovstvo
During the past decade Westeck Windows and Doors has been the supplier for a myriad of multi-family, industrial, residential and institutional projects including retirement complexes, churches,... Prečítajte si viac »
- Montáž dverí a okien a súvisiacich súčastí | Montáž dverí a okien | Montáž kovových okien | Okenné rámy z plastového kom...
- Chilliwack
- Kanada
We would like to introduce our company regarding a faithful business relationship with your esteemed company in future. So please notice our company profile regarding products that we offer, quality... Prečítajte si viac »
- Stĺpy a tyčky, oceľové | Kolíky, z pozinkovaného železa, profilu omega a T, potiahnuté plastom | Drôtené viazače, na vre...
- Aligarh
- India
Veritas Stainless is the leading manufacturers and exporters of all kind of Steel and industrial raw materials in ferrous and non-ferrous materials. We are in this line from the last 32 years and... Prečítajte si viac »
- Ďalšie výrobné služby | Oceľové rúry a rúrky | Montážne prístupové veže, modulový rám | Dverové rámy (zárubne), bronzové...
- Mumbai
- India
Kettell Windows are Providers of double glazing windows, doors, conservatories and porches in Leicestershire. For more information visit www.vevowindows.co.uk today.
- Dvere a okná, zimné záhrady, plastové | Skleníky a zimné záhrady, s kovovým rámom | Dvojité sklá | Okná
- Leicester, Leicester
- Spojené kráľovstvo