Аб нас
SM ALUPACK CO. , LTD is a company invested by JEIL ALUMINIUM CO. , LTD-the exclusive representative in the territory of Vietnam for the SAM-A ALUMINIUM CO. , LTD. Sam-A is the leading manufacturer of various kinds of AL. Foil products including plain AL Foil in minimum thickness of 06 micron (0. 006mm) and the products you required since 1969 in Korea. And we have set up our factory in Vietnam to produce Aluminium Paper of all kinds used for cigarette packaging to meet the local demand as well as for exportation.
We want to find out the business possibility to supply our products to your esteemed company for mutual benefit. As you can anticipate very well, we can suggest very competitive price with high quality since we are the manufacturer of Plain Aluminium Foil by ourselves which is the key factor to decide the price competitiveness of the products if you inform us your specification such as Aluminium paper thickness (gsm) , width, length and internal diameter (ID core) of the roll so that we can send some sample to you if our price is workable for you.
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