
  • 505 Wiswell Drive
  • Williams Bay, Wisconsin, 53191-9700
  • ریاستہائے متحدہ
  • ٹیلی فون:(262) 215-9794
  • فیکس: ---.---.-----
  • یو آر ایل:

صفحہ اول


Sno Days is a confection business selling 45 flavors of shaved ice. These type of businesses are common in the deep south. These confections are of very high flavor quality, not to be confused with "Snow Cones". This shaved ice product is the consistancy and texture of actual snow. This treat is eaten with a spoon where the first bite and the last bite are equally flavorful. These treats weigh @ 1 lb. and take @ 20 to 30 minutes to consume. The flavors are very high quality, and create a taste that surprises everyone that enjoys them.

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