Pagina principal
Sogo Sales:
We are Canadian-Mongolian distributor and importator of industrial supply mainly for the mining industry.
We first started in 1995 exporting animal products like yak wool, camel wool, sheep wool and Cashmere from central Asia to China and India.
We also Distribute the# 1 World famous Mepps fishing lures to China and Mongolia.
You can join us for business or for a great fishing trip at
Tsogdelger Danzankhuu
Mathieu Dufour
Chingeltei district, 1-40'000, 1-khoroo, B-8, 7 toot
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Cel: (976) 9919-7454
Tel: (976) 320-113
Central Post Office
pobox 2982
Ulaanbaatar 211213
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Visit our website @ {{website}}
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Our new location address: